Friday, December 1, 2006

ColdFusion MX 7 tutorial. WOW 2 in one day

Now we are motoring! two new training titles in one day, first the Combustion and now hot on it's heels the ColdFusion MX 7. Here's the write up folks:

ColdFusion is a powerful platform-independent server-side technology used to create powerful database-driven applications. Built into ColdFusion is an application server which uses the ColdFusion Markup Language (CFML). ColdFusion MX7 can be run on various web servers, and includes a JRUN web server that can be used for development purposes. CFML offers built-in tags and functions so users do not have to have a background in programming in order to use ColdFusion. ColdFusion MX7 provides for customized tags and components making it much easier than other languages to extend and customize the language to fit the needs of any application. Author Candyce Mairs guides you through the use of these features to build your own site. Included are work files so you may work along with her.
If you would like to checkout the free demos on this title please feel free, even without purchasing the title in question the free tutorials offer a great insight into the fundamentals.

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